Kasey Riley
Few Words From the Author/Publisher:
Author's Biography
Kasey Riley brings a wealth of knowledge to her novels. Her ability to research the basics of her stories – both location and background science help her books ring true to those who have experience in those details. Location details are studied, and her memories of rural living in different countries help her settings feel realistic.
Kasey's love of the trail, outdoors, and rural living give color and vibrancy to the U. S. locations of her stories. She strives to make readers see through the eyes of her characters and imagine themselves entangled in the plot.
Her stories cover ideas taken from current events and tales put together from years of riding horses over long distances. Her sounding boards are her riding friends and her husband of forty-eight years. Together, she and Jeff came up with the DNA trilogy on a long drive back and forth to Tennessee from Oklahoma when they moved back in 2016.
She lives in a small Tennessee town on the Upper Cumberland Plateau with her husband, two horses, three dogs, two cats and six hens. Where trails are plentiful, and horses abound in their neighborhood. When not sitting at her desk, she is most often out riding either Radar or Lucky, enjoying the woods and mountains of Tennessee. Future projects include more Riverview Mysteries featuring Sheriff Megan and maybe, just maybe, another book taken from the characters introduced in this DNA Trilogy.