Susan Lynn Solomon
Few Words From the Author/Publisher:
Author's Biography
A former entertainment attorney, Susan Lynn Solomon is the facilitator of the Writer’s Critique Group that is co-sponsored by the Buffalo Central Library and Just Buffalo Literary Center.
She is the author short stories that have appeared in numerous literary journals. These include, Abigail Bender (awarded an Honorable Mention in a Writers Journal short romance competition), Ginger Man, Elvira, The Memory Tree, Going Home, Yesterday’s Wings, Smoker’s Lament, Kaddish, and Sabbath (nominated for the 2013 Best of the Net). A collection of her short stories, Voices in My Head, has been released by Solstice Publishing.
Ms. Solomon is also the author of the Emlyn Goode Mysteries. A finalist in Chanticleer International Book Award’s Mystery & Mayhem Novel category, and a finalist for the 2016 Book Excellence Award, her first Emlyn Goode novel, The Magic of Murder, has received rave reviews, as have the novelettes, Bella Vita, The Day the Music Died, A Shot in the Woods, and ’Twas the Season. The second Emlyn Goode novel, Dead Again, was a finalist for both the 2017 McGrath House Indie Book of the Year and the 2018 Book Excellent Award. Writing is Murder, the third Emlyn Goode novel was awarded a First Place in the 2019 Chanticleer International Book Award Mystery & Mayhem category.
Stepping aside from mysteries, Ms. Solomon’s novel, Abigail’s Window, has been awarded a gold medal as a finalist in the Readers Favorite novel competition and the Chanticleer International Book Award gave it the Grand Prize as the best paranormal romance of 2019.
Her two latest book are What’s Past is Prologue (on the Chanticleer Book Award short list for the best paranormal mystery of 2021, and the recently released Raising Kane.