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A Young Man On the Front Line

A Young Man On the Front Line
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Lessons of War


Elaine Makas, Ph.D.


Historical, Teen and YA, Nonfiction, Biography / Memoir, Action and Adventure

Elaine Makas, Ph.D.


nonfiction narrative

Book Description

A YOUNG MAN ON THE FRONT LINES: Lessons of War, is the true account of a young man amidst the brutality of the battlefield. The story chronicles his experience of becoming a soldier, enduring his soldiering days, and reconciling his life in the aftermath of his war experiences. The story resonates with students of history of any age and readers interested in a story chronicling the universal theme of meeting and overcoming challenges and adversity. As a reader, you become a fellow traveler with eighteen-year-old Sgt. Chris Makas and his men on their journey of war, trauma, adaptation, and self-acceptance while contemplating ‘lessons of war’ – all within the historical realities of World War II. The book lends itself to rich thought, reflections and discussions for individuals, groups, book clubs as well as high school students.

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